The Legend of William Tell - Overview

16 x 1-hour episodes or 32 x half-hour episodes.

De­scribed by Ex­ec­ut­ive Pro­du­cer, Ray­mond Thompson, as "Star Wars on the plan­et Earth", this is a fantasy saga of bravery, ma­gic, myth, ro­mance and hero­ism.

Wil­li­am Tell is the youth­ful lead­er of a band of young out­laws, forever hunted by the forces of dark­ness, led by Xax and Kreel, who have usurped power in their home­land.

The series of self-con­tained stor­ies fol­lows Will's quest to re­store young Prin­cess Vara to her right­ful place on the roy­al throne and de­feat Xax and Kreel's forces - and, by do­ing so, bring back peace and or­der to the King­dom of Kale..

Filmed on loc­a­tion throughout New Zea­l­and (and many of the same areas as the ac­claimed Lord of the Rings - the series was de­signed by Dan Hen­nah who won the Academy Award for his art dir­ec­tion on The Lord of the Rings), the series has stun­ning scenery and beau­ti­ful pro­duc­tion val­ues.

There is a star-stud­ded cast of fa­mil­i­ar faces (in­clud­ing Nath­aniel Lees from The Mat­rix), and a whole bunch of ac­tion and ad­ven­ture along the way, creatures, wiz­ards and elves, mys­tery, in­trigue, hu­mor and hu­man drama, as Will's rebel band sup­port each oth­er in their quest of de­feat­ing Xax and Kreel and ful­fill their des­tiny.

A pro­voc­at­ive and ima­gin­ary tale to en­thrall chil­dren world­wide and in­deed the en­tire fam­ily.
Hosted by uCoz